Mixed Reality Museum

MooR is a Mixed Reality app built for the Microsoft Hololens. The core function of the app is to provide museum curators a way of viewing an artists portfolio remotely.

Versatile Artistic Mediums

Painting, sculpture, video, audio, and interactive artwork may all be presented with this app.

Location Agnostic

A museum curator can put on the Hololens while in any room and participate in a curated studio walk through.

Skeuomorphism Helps

Relating virtual aspects of the app to real-tangible objects gives familiarity to a purely subjective experience.

Don't Forget the Physical

A physical item to bring the user into the virtual space helps ground them when jumping into the experience.


This product is the conduit between 2 distinct users: artists and curators. These user groups have opposing and symbiotic needs. We reached out to people who fulfill each of those roles and interviewed them to learn the nuances and depth of their areas. We interviewed 5 artists and 2 curators. Additionally, we researched the various mixed reality technology on the market and the different methods currently utilized by artists to present their work.

Understanding Artists
Curator Needs

Gathering Ideas

Art and AR were both new territories which was advantageous and stressful. Traditional and offbeat methods were used to collect data, synthesize ideas, and test concepts.

A couple lessons that were driven home for me were to: let ideas ruminate to allow for flashes of inspiration; and don't get ahead of yourself because there will be opportunities later to iterate, abort, or add new ideas.


Hololens Prototype & Unique Features

With our results from user testing we created a much more fluid User Flow when creating our Hololens prototype. The Microsoft Hololens uses Unity to develop all their apps, so our final prototype was created in Unity as well. A demonstration of the Unity prototype can be seen in the video at the top of this page.

Through the initial brainstorming, user testing, and interviews several unique features were developed for MooR.

Artist Key
The Desk
Activation Zones